
Leadership Scholarship Fund

Deaf Women of Oklahoma (DWO) Leadership Scholarship Funds

Fostering great leaders is integral to building the Deaf Women of Oklahoma organization. Strong and empowerment for deaf or hard of hearing female leaders are a guiding light to those around them and provide their organizations with the momentum to achieve greatness, and DWO want that to continue happening.

To ensure that the next generation of leaders can continue focusing on impacting their leadership in DWO organization. Deaf Women of Oklahoma’s scholarship funds were created by donors that recognize the importance of helping deaf or hard of hearing students achieve their educational goals, now and in perpetuity.

The Deaf Women of Oklahoma (DWO) Scholarship provides a one-time scholarship between $100.00 - $1,000.00 to graduating deaf or hard of hearing female students to attend any accredited post-secondary educational institution. Only select one or two students each year with an amount of up to $100.00 - $1,000.00 each. This scholarship may be used for tuition, or books. There is no limitation on the field of study.

Scholarship Description

The DWO Scholarship application process is now CLOSED!

Application Deadline: 0/00/2023

Amount: $100 - $1,000

Eligibility Requirements

1 - Must be a graduating senior in high school who identifies as deaf or hard of hearing female.

2 - Eligible applicants must be deaf or hard of hearing female graduating seniors, past high school graduates with a degree or GED (18–21-year-old) equivalent or current college students looking to continue their studies.

3 - A track record of leadership in one’s school, deaf community, academic credentials, or personal life.

4 - Applicants must reside in Oklahoma State, be United States citizens and have a copy of documented legal residents (drive license).

5 - Graduating seniors, high school graduates and current college female students must have a minimum GPA of 2.5.

6 - No current members or current members of the Deaf Women of Oklahoma are eligible to apply. Recommend becoming a DWO member will have a good recommendation toward effective of leadership.

How to Apply

You can apply for this scholarship by email or mail. Submit your Google Application (below) and email or mail a essay (300-600 words) that answers the following prompts:

1 - Why do I deserve a leadership scholarship?

2 - How have you demonstrated deaf or hard of hearing women leadership in your school, community, or family?

3 - What does great leadership mean to you?

4 - Why is being a leader important to you?

5 - How do you describe your leadership style if you in DWO organization?

Applicants - Applicants are required to provide one letter of recommendation and complete an essay (300-600 words).

Finalists - Finalists will be invited to interview with the President at Deaf Women of Oklahoma Meeting or virtually including a scholarship giant check banner.

Essay & Letter - Essay and letter of recommendation should email to President:

Mailbox Address: Coming up Soon

Scholarship Frequently Asked Questions

When is the scholarship deadline?

The application will be open through (deadline date).

What is the scholarship prize?

The scholarship award is $100 - $1,000 depend on DWO Funds

When will the winner be chosen and notified?

Prior to the announcement date, DWO may contact finalists with additional questions about their application. Recipients will be chosen based on the merit of their application.

How will the scholarship be paid?

DWO will send the $100 - $1,000 award check to the recipient in their name.

How can I contact you with questions?

If you have any questions about the scholarship, you can email

President Christina's Message

Education is the gift that no one can take away. Knowing that all the money raised is being used for scholarships to help needy deaf or hard of hearing students to fund their education. I sincerely thank all of you who have contributed so far to make this DWO Leadership Scholarship Fund possible.

Cash App Coming up Soon
